Often, public or community in the country assess the violence has become a culture. This is due to the large number of action violence, which appears in various events in the country. However, according to some experts it is not the culture of violence, but only the accumulation of action frustrated and social inequalities in the following.
According to sociologist at the University of Indonesia, Paulus Wirutomo action violence, which often happens in the community, not a cultural nation. Because until now, at the Indonesian nation still considers the action of violence as a problem. Wirutomo also add, the factors that caused the action of violence is one of mass unemployment.
Meanwhile, according to sociologist from Airlangga University Surabaya, Hotman Siahaan, action violence can occur at all levels. This is because there is dissatisfaction that result in frustrating and social inequalities.
Violence is often referred to as a culture, in fact, according to experts competent is not a culture. Only the habit. This is due to accumulation of dissatisfaction and social inequalities. So realize justice in the community is the solution. This can be achieved by the roles of all parties and the community. (FHD)